Reflections & Examen

EXAMEN – Based on the Rule of Life of The Order of the Daughters of the King®

  • Have I worn my cross daily as my “habit” to show that I cannot live a day without Christ?
  • Have I attended all chapter, diocesan, and provincial meetings as I am physically able?


  • Have I sought to grow daily in the life of prayer?
  • Have I asked God’s blessing upon all members?
  • Have I prayed daily for the spread of Christ’s Kingdom, especially among women?
  • Have I prayed the intercession list daily?
  • Have I made a Corporate Communion on All Saint’s Day with intention for The Order?
  • Have I attended church each Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation?
  • Have I read some portion of the Holy Scripture each day and spent at least five minutes in simple meditation upon what has been read?
  • Have I listened for and received God’s guidance and blessings for me each day?
  • Have I prepared for my Communion by diligent prayer and self-examination?
  • Have I prayed daily for the spiritual growth of the parish?


  • Do I minister to God’s people wherever I am?
  • Do I invite and/or offer a ride to people to come to church or to a DOK meeting?
  • Do I offer loyal aid to my priest for the up-building of the parish?
  • Do I participate in whatever service my chapter undertakes?
  • Have I been supportive of my chapter, diocesan, and provincial officers?
  • Am I involved in a scripture study?
  • Have I interested myself in all efforts to spread the faith, especially women and girls?
  • Do I pay my annual dues on time and do I participate on the funds of The Order?


  • Have I been a good example?
  • Am I able to tell someone what the “Magnanimiter Crucem Sustine” means on my cross?
  • Have I given a ready, complete answer concerning my religion?
  • Have I tried to grow in Christ-like love for God and for the salvation of all?
  • Have I exercised charity as regards to other Daughters?

From Daughters of the King Triennial-June 27, 2000 – Province Night
Bread for the Journey – Julia Smead, Province VII President



Does the world need more?
You bet!
Love your neighbor as yourself,
Don’t forget!

Jesus Christ gave us the commandment
And because he died for us;
Show the world you care
Love each other without a fuss.

Why not?
It doesn’t cost anything to love.
Try it today
It’s a commandment from above.

Jesus said, “Love your enemies,
Bless them that curse you.”
Do the right thing. Love
This you must do.

– Hazel Wilson-Weaver Chapter, Daughter of the King
St Luke the Evangelist Episcopal Church, Houston, Texas

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