Daughters at Large

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Who is a Daughter at Large?

Who is a Daughter at Large?
A Daughter at Large is a member of The Order of the Daughters of the King® who, because of logistics, geography, or other reasons, is a member of a church with no chapter (see The National Bylaws of The Order, Article III Section 3.C). or is not a current member of any church. She wears her cross daily, undertakes a Rule of Life, and pays her annual dues. When a Daughter moves away from a chapter she has the option of staying affiliated with her chapter through mutual agreement, if she lives close enough to continue her involvement with that chapter, or becoming a Daughter at Large.
Becoming a Daughter at Large
Notify the National Office, the President of the Diocesan Assembly in which you live (e.g. Texas) as well as the DAL Chairwoman via the Transition Form of your new status. Continue to keep the National Office and diocesan officers informed about any changes of address, etc. Be certain that you are current in the payment of dues.
Contact your Diocesan DAL Chairwoman. She will provide current diocesan news and information, answer questions, and take prayer requests. You may also stay in contact with other DALs through the DAL Chairwoman.
Continue in Prayer for you, your church, other Daughters, and all others in need… and Service.
Until you find a new church home. Then…
Find a chapter nearest you. Contact the church or chapter president, if listed, to introduce yourself. Be sure to update your new status with the transition form.
Or perhaps you might want to start a chapter in your new church! If you would like to explore this possibility, please contact the DAL Chairwoman for how to get started.
Continue to look for ways to serve in your new church, in your community, and in your family. Continue to look for God and He will be found. Continue to see Christ in all persons.

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