• DOK Diocesan Assembly

      September 13-14, 2024 – Diocese of Texas Fall Assembly    Camp Allen Navasota, TX    HostedLearn More


                  MORE UPCOMING DATES:      Dates TBD 2025 –Learn More

Extension of Christ's Kingdom through Prayer, Service, and Evangelism

DOK Diocesan Assembly


September 13-14, 2024 – Diocese of Texas Fall Assembly
   Camp Allen Navasota, TX
   Hosted by St. John the Divine, Houston
   Fall Assembly is coming – Plans are underway and we are so excited!!
Guest speakers: Dr. Gayle Timberlake, a biblical scholar, university professor, and cultural ethnographer that leads tours in Israel and the Middle East.
Rachel Norris: owner of Joy Pottery and has been sharing her testimony with her potter’s wheel since 1992.
Mark your calendars now!
   Click Here for Speaker’s Information



October 11-13, 2024 -JDOK Metamorphosis Retreat
   Transition Retreat for 16 – 22 year old young women
   Camp Allen – Navasota, TX – Grove Lodge Dunn Center
   More information coming soon!
   Click Here for more information



January 17-19, 2025 – JDOK Retreat for the Diocese of Texas
   F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely on God)
   Camp Allen – Navasota, TX – Campsite 3
   More information coming soon!
   Click Here for more information




2022-2023 Diocese of Texas DOK Service Project: Click Here for More Information
Updated Information from Service Chair – Click Here for More Information





     Dates TBD 2025 – Diocese of Texas Spring Assembly
     Dates TBD 2025 – Province VII Assembly
     Dates TBD 2025 – Diocese of Texas Fall Assembly – Camp Allen, Navasota, TX

ANGELUS is available (Aug 2021) – Click Here to Open (PDF)

Would you like the Diocesan President (Tory Arnold) or Diocesan Chaplain (Rev. Lacy Largent) to speak at one of your meetings. Go to the Diocesan Officers page for their contact information.
If your chapter or convocation is having a quiet day, service, etc. please send information to have posted to:  Linda Blumberg Send Email  so it can also be posted online.


  • The Motto of The Order: For His Sake - I am but one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do. Lord, what will you have me do?
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